Part No | Description | Part Type | QTY | RFQ |
RN73C2A649RBTDF | thin film resistors - smd 0.1w .1% 10ppm 649 | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
CRGH0805F3K74 | thick film resistors - smd crgh0805 1% 3k74 0.33w | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
CRGH1206F590K | thick film resistors - smd crgh1206 1% 590k 0.5w | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
CRGH1206F16K5 | thick film resistors - smd crgh1206 1% 16k5 0.5w | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
CRG0603F75R | thick film resistors - smd 75ohms 1/10w 50v te connectivity / holsworthythick film resistors - smd 75ohms 1/10w 50v | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
CRGH2512J8R2 | thick film resistors - smd 8.2 ohms 5% 200ppm 2.0 watt 2512 | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
YR1B100RCC | metal film resistors - through hole 100ohm 1/4w 15ppm | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
RR02J4R7TB | te connectivity / holsworthymetal film resistors - through hole rr02 5% 4r7 ammo metal film resistors - through hole rr02 5% 4r7 ammo | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
RR02J8K2TB | te connectivity / holsworthymetal film resistors - through hole rr02 5% 8k2 ammo metal film resistors - through hole rr02 5% 8k2 ammo | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
RP73D2B232KBTG | thin film resistors - smd rp 2b 232k 0.1% 15ppm cut length | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
CRGH0603J1R1 | thick film resistors - smd 1.1 ohms 5% 200ppm .20 watt 0603 | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
H8243RBDBR | te connectivity / holsworthymetal film resistors - through hole h8 0.1% 1/4w 243 metal film resistors - through hole h8 0.1% 1/4w 243 | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
RP73D2B102KBTG | thin film resistors - smd 102 ohms .1% 15ppm .25 watt 1206 | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
RP73D1J165RBTDG | thin film resistors - smd | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
RN73C2A1K05BTDG | thin film resistors - smd 1.05 ohms .1% 10ppm .063 watt 0603 | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
RN73C1J3K9DF | thin film resistors - smd rn 0603 3k9 0.05% 10ppm 1k rl te connectivity / holsworthythin film resistors - smd rn 0603 3k9 0.05% 10ppm 1k rl | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
H8432KBDBB-1 4W 432K 0.1 25PPM BULK | metal film resistors - through hole h8 0.1% 1/4w 432k | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
TE300B82RJ | wirewound resistors - chassis mount 82 ohms 5% 440ppm 300 watt bracket mnt | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
CRGH2512F1K65 | thick film resistors - smd crgh2512 1% 1k65 2w | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
CPF0603F182RC1 | thin film resistors - smd cpf 0603 182r 1% 50ppm 1k rl | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
TE100B39RJ | wirewound resistors - chassis mount 39 ohms 5% 440ppm 100 watt bracket mnt | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
RP73D1J97K6BTDG | thin film resistors - smd | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
CRGH0805F5K9 | thick film resistors - smd crgh0805 1% 5k9 0.33w | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
CFR200J82K | te connectivity / holsworthycarbon film resistors - through hole cfr200 5% 82k carbon film resistors - through hole cfr200 5% 82k | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
RN73C2A549RBTDG | thin film resistors - smd rn 0805 549r 0.1% 10ppm 250 rl | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
CRGV2010J300K | thick film resistors - smd crgv2010 5% 300k 3000v | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
CBT50J4K7 | carbon composition resistors 4.7 kohms 1/2w 350v | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
RN73C2A12K7BTDF | thin film resistors - smd 0.1w .1% 10ppm 12.7k | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
CRGV0805J750K | thick film resistors - smd crgv0805 5% 750k 800v | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
CRGH0603J36R | thick film resistors - smd crgh0603 5% 36r 0.2w | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
H83K24BDBB-1 4W 3K24 0.1 25PPM BULK | metal film resistors - through hole h8 0.1% 1/4w 3.24k | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
RP73D1J26R7BTDG | thin film resistors - smd | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
CRGV1206J560K | thick film resistors - smd crgv1206 5% 560k 1000v | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
H861K9BDBR | te connectivity / holsworthymetal film resistors - through hole h8 0.1% 1/4w 61.9k metal film resistors - through hole h8 0.1% 1/4w 61.9k | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
YR1B24K9CC | te connectivity / holsworthymetal film resistors - through hole 24.9kohm 1/4w 15ppm metal film resistors - through hole 24.9kohm 1/4w 15ppm | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
BDS2A100470RK | planar resistors - chassis mount 470 ohms 100w 150ppm | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
RR03J560KTB | te connectivity / holsworthymetal film resistors - through hole rr03 5% 560k ammo metal film resistors - through hole rr03 5% 560k ammo | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
CRGH1206J1M3 | thick film resistors - smd crgh1206 5% 1m3 0.5w | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
RN73C2A75KBTDF | thin film resistors - smd rn 0805 75k 0.1% 10ppm 1krl te connectivity / holsworthythin film resistors - smd rn 0805 75k 0.1% 10ppm 1krl | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
RP73D2B130KBTDF | thin film resistors - smd rp 2b 130k 0.1% 15ppm 1k rl | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
CRGV2512F102K | thick film resistors - smd 102 ohms 1% 200ppm 2.0 watt 2512 | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
CRGH2010F1K15 | thick film resistors - smd crgh2010 1% 1k15 1w | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
RP73D2B46K4BTDF | thin film resistors - smd rp 2b 46k4 0.1% 15ppm 1k rl | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
H81K4BYA | metal film resistors - through hole h8 1k4 0.1% 15ppm | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
RR02J20RTB | te connectivity / holsworthymetal film resistors - through hole rr02 5% 20r ammo metal film resistors - through hole rr02 5% 20r ammo | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
CPF0603F53K6C1 | thin film resistors - smd 53.6 ohms 1% 50ppm .063 watt 0603 | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
RN73C2A191RBTDF | thin film resistors - smd 0.1w .1% 10ppm 191 | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
CRGH2010F133R | thick film resistors - smd 133 ohms 1% 100ppm 1.0 watt 2010 | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
CPF0603F147RC1 | thin film resistors - smd 147 ohms 1% 50ppm .063 watt 0603 | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
H4P68K1DCA | res metal film 68.1k ohm 0.5% 1w ¦50ppm/¦c conformal axl thru-hole bandoliered | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
RP73D1J30R9BTDG | thin film resistors - smd | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
CRGH0805F3K32 | thick film resistors - smd crgh0805 1% 3k32 0.33w | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
RR01J8K2TB | te connectivity / holsworthymetal film resistors - through hole rr01 5% 8k2 ammo metal film resistors - through hole rr01 5% 8k2 ammo | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
CRGV1206J430K | thick film resistors - smd crgv1206 5% 430k 1000v | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
TE150B1K0J | wirewound resistors - chassis mount 1 ohms 5% 440ppm 150 watt bracket mnt | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
RP73D2B97R6BTDF | thin film resistors - smd rp 2b 97r6 0.1% 15ppm 1k rl | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
TE2000B1K8J | wirewound resistors - chassis mount 1.8 ohms 5% 440ppm 2000watt chassis mnt | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
CJT80330RJJ | wirewound resistors - chassis mount cjt 80w 330r 5% lead | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
CRGV2010F866K | thick film resistors - smd crgv2010 1% 866k 3000v | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
CRGH0603J2K7 | thick film resistors - smd crgh0603 5% 2k7 0.2w | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
RP73D2B5K62BTG | thin film resistors - smd rp 2b 5k62 0.1% 15ppm cut length | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
CRGH0603F21K | thick film resistors - smd crgh0603 1% 21k 0.2w | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
CRGH0805F97R6 | thick film resistors - smd crgh0805 1% 97r6 0.33w | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
RP73D1J7K68BTDG | thin film resistors - smd | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
CRGV2512F237K | thick film resistors - smd crgv2512 1% 237k 1600v | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
CRGH0805F16K2 | thick film resistors - smd crgh0805 1% 16k2 0.33w | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
CPF0603F909RC1 | thin film resistors - smd cpf 0603 909r 1% 50ppm 1k rl | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
H84K64BYA | metal film resistors - through hole h8 4k64 0.1% 15ppm | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
CRGH2512F16R2 | thick film resistors - smd crgh2512 1% 16r2 2w | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
RP73D1J115KBTDG | thin film resistors - smd | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
RP73D1J34RBTDG | thin film resistors - smd | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
CRGH1206F562K | thick film resistors - smd crgh1206 1% 562k 0.5w | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
RN73A2A3K09BTDF | thin film resistors - smd rn 0805 3k09 0.1% 5ppm 1k rl | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
RP73D2B3K74BTDF | thin film resistors - smd rp 2b 3k74 0.1% 15ppm 1k rl | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
CRGH0805F1K54 | thick film resistors - smd crgh0805 1% 1k54 0.33w | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
RP73D2A1K62BTG | thin film resistors - smd rp 2a 1k62 0.1% 15ppm cut length | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
CRG0402F220K | thick film resistors - smd 22ohms 0.063w 50v | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
YR1B1K54CC | metal film resistors - through hole 1.54kohm 1/4w 15ppm | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
CRGV2010F1M78 | thick film resistors - smd crgv2010 1% 1m78 3000v | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
TE2000B47RJ | wirewound resistors - chassis mount 47 ohms 2000w 440ppm | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
CRGH1206F66K5 | thick film resistors - smd crgh1206 1% 66k5 0.5w | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
H84K64BDBR | te connectivity / holsworthymetal film resistors - through hole h8 0.1% 1/4w 4.64k metal film resistors - through hole h8 0.1% 1/4w 4.64k | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
YR1B249RCC | metal film resistors - through hole 249ohm 1/4w 15ppm | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
CRGH1206F576R | thick film resistors - smd crgh1206 1% 576r 0.5w | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
CRGH2512F287R | thick film resistors - smd 287 ohms 1% 100ppm 2.0 watt 2512 | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
CRGH0805F1K33 | thick film resistors - smd crgh0805 1% 1k33 0.33w | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
RL73K3AR56 | current sense resistors - smd 0.56 ohms 1 watt | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
TE2000B12RJ | wirewound resistors - chassis mount te 2000w 12r 5% bracket | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
RN73C2A909RBTDF | thin film resistors - smd 0.1w .1% 10ppm 909 | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
CRGH2010F11R | thick film resistors - smd 11 ohms 1% 100ppm 1.0 watt 2010 | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
3150W101P | trimmer resistors - smd 100 ohms 1/5w cermet | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
RN73C2A178RBTDG | thin film resistors - smd rn 0805 178r 0.1% 10ppm 250 rl | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
H8143KBDBR | te connectivity / holsworthymetal film resistors - through hole h8 0.1% 1/4w 143k metal film resistors - through hole h8 0.1% 1/4w 143k | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
H88K25BDBR | te connectivity / holsworthymetal film resistors - through hole h8 0.1% 1/4w 8.25k metal film resistors - through hole h8 0.1% 1/4w 8.25k | resistors | Avl | RFQ |
CRGV0603F412K | thick film resistors - smd 412 ohms 1% 200ppm .10 watt 0603 | resistor | Avl | RFQ |
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